Independent Party of Arizona

“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

The intention of the Independent Party of Arizona is to harvest our past, restore hope for the future and help build sustainability by learning how to work together better as a community. It is the spirit of unity that drives us.

Independent Party of Arizona, Arizona Independent Party


The Independent Party of Arizona isn't recognized by the State of Arizona.... yet. Our mission is to change that as soon as possible. Bridging past and future leadership demonstrates collaboration in the present and focuses us on future deliverables.

How do we create something new together, moving beyond the binary paralysis that has plagued our sustainability and the future of Arizona, let alone the world?

Independent thinking, by its nature, has remained free of the binary political system. Independent thinking has catapulted business, education and technological advances in America and around the world.

So, why not in politics?

We've collectively facing a redesign of how we live, move and have our being in the world. How we proceed is a matter of coming together to make sense common.

The Rationale

Our Goal

The Independent Party of Arizona isn’t recognized by the State of Arizona…. yet. Our mission is to change that as soon as possible. Bridging past and future leadership demonstrates collaboration in the present and focuses us on future deliverables.

How do we create something new together, moving beyond the binary paralysis that has plagued our sustainability and the future of Arizona?

Independent thinking, by its nature, has remained free of the binary political system. Independent thinking has catapulted business, education and technological advances in America and around the world. So, why not in politics?


"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises" Demosthenes (c 384-322 BC)

Signature Forms

We Need Your Help - Volunteer! 31,686 Signatures

Our Goal: State Recognition of The Independent Party

We thank you for your interest, your passion and purpose in wanting more for your State and Country.

The first step in creating the Independent Party of Arizona movement is to get us to become recognized by the State of Arizona. Help us get those signatures!

How we do that depends on individuals like you who are willing to create a better future beyond the abyss between the current parties. Many are called; few choose to lead.

Clink on the Download Forms for more information

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Independent Party of Arizona, Arizona Independent Party

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― Buckminster Fuller

Independent Party of Arizona, Arizona Independent Party

The Movement

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."

Independent thinking has been the foundation of growth for America and will restore our country's leadership - not from power, technology or wealth - but from making sense common in doing the right things toward a better future for all in the 21st Century.

We think the Independent Party of Arizona can do just that for our future. We have the legal LLCs for the State of Arizona, though others may claim to represent the Party in Arizona. They do not. No one does as of yet.

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Signature Forms

We Need Your Help – Volunteer! 30,894 Signatures

Our Goal: State Recognition of The Independent Party

We all thank you for your interest, your passion and purpose. The first step in creating the Independent Party of Arizona movement is to get us to become recognized by the State of Arizona. Help us get those signatures!

Download Forms

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
― Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing

Your Top 3

The Guys help small business owners build healthy businesses in communities just like yours. Getting people, places and things to work together better means happier people getting more done with less supervision. We need that kind of leadership today. Would you agree? How do we work together for it?

Every question has an answer. Are we asking the right ones for Arizona's future?

What are your top 3?

Let Us Know
Independent Party of Arizona, Arizona Independent Party

The Movement

"Independent thinking has been the foundation of growth for America and will restore our country's leadership - not from power, technology or wealth - but from making sense common in doing the right things toward a better future for all in the 21st Century. We think the Independent Party of Arizona can do just that for our future." 

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“Too much action with too little intent makes for wasteful exertion of energy and the confusion between movement and progress.”
― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free


Every little bit helps. We're here to serve a better way, supportive and sustainable with no separation of people. Image what could be and help inspire others with your support. 

Just a $3 monthly donation (subscription)
helps us go places and do things we otherwise would not be able to do.
Your help is critical to our goal. Just choose your level of participation in the drop-down and click the I-Heart AZ below and... THANK YOU!!!

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“Wishes don’t change the world. Only actions will do that job.”
― Israelmore Ayivor, 101 Keys To Everyday Passion

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