We Need Your Help –
35,000 Signatures to Register the Party
Free and Paid Supporting Memberships
You get limited access to free membership content
Price: Free! …and we encourage more.
You can register for a Free Membership or pay for one of the following membership options. Individuals who come together for a common cause can be a powerful influence for Arizona’s future. We need and thank you for your help and support.
When you subscribe, you will be added to our database. Your information is safe and we will not share it without your permission. Your support is vital for our success. Just click on the icon above each item to subscribe. Thanks in advance for your support!
$210 – Annual Supporter Membership – allows access to full blog articles, special correspondence and receive invitation to private mixers and rallies.$24 – Monthly Supporter Membership – allows access to full blogs, special correspondence and receive invitation to private mixers and rallies.
$3 – Monthly Author/Supporter Subscription – allows you to write articles and respond to comments. Plus receive special invites to events. We request the articles to be focused on Arizona problem-solution scenarios bringing people, places and things together for a better future.
$30 – Annual Author/Supporter Subscription – allows you to write articles and respond to comments plus receive special invites to events. We request the articles to be focused on Arizona problem-solution scenarios bringing people, places and things together for a better future.
$60 – Annual Supporter Subscription – allows access to blog articles and special correspondence. Your subscription helps us to build this organization and provide Arizona with new possibilities for leadership in making our State better for everyone. Please invite others you believe are looking for alternatives for Arizona and want to be involved, even if only to help support those who are in the trenches.
$6 – Monthly Supporter Subscription – allows access to blog articles and special correspondence. Please invite others you believe are looking for alternatives for Arizona and want to be involved, even if only to help support those who are in the trenches. Everyone can afford $6/mo (large Starbucks) to help support this effort. Your support is invaluable and we’ll do everything in our power to provide results.
In order to achieve our objectives in growing the Independent Party, the goal is to raise enough money to hire staff and not have to depend on volunteers. Focused effort and time are necessary to execute any plan. Deadlines and commitments are crucial. SMART Goals lead the way. We value effort and lives depend on income.
Help Us Grow!