Stewards of Change
The Independent Party of Arizona bridges parties as well as cultural communities and is what America was set up to do. Arizona has the golden opportunity to set the standard for coalescing multiple concerns and factions toward a cohesive and collaborative administration. The result of such would change the course of current deficits and inability to serve our population in so many ways. It would also catapult the use of alternative energy production through the combined efforts of communities and commercial development.
Our state is ripe for developing carbon sequestration efforts using horticulture solutions such as hemp or kenaf, proven carbon sponges with low water requirements and cash crops that have high commercial value. Bridging proven alternative and/or holistic health care programs and insurance providers will ultimately bring health care costs down and reduce costs for the State and YOU. A serious look at the fiscal policies and organizational waste of the State is imperative, with savings that could easily be in the tens of millions of dollars. All it takes is making sense common.
It is time for the Independent Party in Arizona to create seminal views of administering resources and demonstrate what collaboration and partnering can really accomplish! Arizona can lead the way, rising from the ashes because we know what is possible – people, places and things aligning for the good of all people and our environment.
The Independent Party is NOT recognized by the State of Arizona – yet. It is our mission to do so.
Help Get the Independent Party Recognized <–CLICK!
We can start in Arizona by changing the state of our State and demonstrate we are not willing to remain at the bottom of the educational ranking in this country. We can demonstrate that our production of food and textiles is not hindered by our climate and can even be part of the carbon sequestration solution. We can demonstrate that Arizona’s alternative energy production equals and/or exceeds traditional methods while making our environment better.
School funding and teacher retention is a critical issue. We can find answers and implement solutions. Wind and solar farms are a big deal today, creating a cleaner future. Arizona is ripe for high-level solar power production. We can demonstrate that our health care system can and does meet the needs of every citizen, including our veterans, without a burden. We can mobilize a public already receiving benefits.
We can be the leaders, but we have to make the effort and learn how to work as one. That is our greatest challenge – to work in harmony for people and planet. We’re different. The Independent Party of Arizona will drive the future of politics, serving Arizonans and leading us toward a brighter 21st Century.
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It is painfully obvious that our country is in need of leadership that can move the public concerns to the top of the priority list and actually serve the people. We want the Independent Party of Arizona to lead the way. Those concerns include healthy food (GMOs have been banned by many countries already), renewable sustainable energy (research shows that fracking and old carbon-based energy sources are destroying our environment), new millennial education (children need a holistic approach to education, not a test-driven performance outcome) and appropriate health care for all (cost isn’t an issue, people are the issue). There are ways to adjust and thrive in the new millennium, but the current system isn’t providing those ways.
In just 6 (six) years the House and Senate can be completely overhauled – gutted, remodeled or renovated. It will probably take much longer – but it is possible with your help… each of US. No one is left out and everyone has a voice and a vote. It’s time we exercised that right and made use of the power of the people. It is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. We don’t need a civil war again to take action and make things better.
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What other choice do we have? The Independent Party of Arizona will provide new choices. We are a peaceful, purpose-driven society that abhors inhumane treatment of others. Corporations have taken over and people have become inhumane towards each other. It’s time to stand up and live the dream – independence for all with a sense of harmony among people and planet. In this way independence becomes interdependence and we all benefit, together as a United States of America. Then we can truly lead the world.
Relating to the Independent Party of Arizona, of course we think lofty goals are unreachable at first. How many times have we seen people of vision, even just a few, achieve the impossible? Disruptors and innovators are taking the planet by storm, changing business models and interactive behaviors for the better, developing global teams to address systemic challenges. We can do the same for creating a working government that is truly by and for the people.
To an outsider, America seems pitiful in the way money and power rule. At least in the way it is happening now. Everyone seems to be aware of the fiasco and scared to do anything about it. Fear rules and the population becomes diminished in capacity. We need courageous, ethical and moral leadership that commands respect by their actions, not by their money or power. Just begin thinking what that might be like.
Now this is going to seem a little bit of a stretch for most of you. Most everyone is familiar with the ‘Law of Attraction,’ right? The eyeballs are rolling now. Okay, so there is a lot of hype around it, too, but the principles are sound – what you think and feel strongly you will attract. Consider applying that to the situation at hand. Intend that the right people doing the right things come forth and find support from the masses.
Quantum entanglement, spooky action at a distance as Einstein called it, is a real thing. Science has proven that electrons can be excited in the same way at a distance. Protons, neutrons and electrons are the building blocks of the material world. We have a mind, consciousness in embryo if you will, that science is proving is more powerful than we can imagine, yet it is our imagination that lacks power.
Mindfulness and meditation has been proven to cause a beneficial effect on populations, for some time. With just a little stretch of the imagination, these profound effects can be engaged with a larger population, like America. We often think we need to ‘do’ something and yet ‘focused thinking’ is actually doing something. This country is still a huge experiment.
Scientists at Los Alamos found out decades ago, a half-century actually, that their thoughts affect the results of their experiments. We usually don’t think about thinking, our thoughts run rampant throughout the day. Most of us aren’t disciplined enough to pay attention to how we think, let alone what we think. What if we were?
We’re asking that you just have a moment of clarity occasionally, intending for the future to be better and the right people coming forward to help the process. This one small effort can and will have profound effects on the future. In the next few years, we will see marked changes in how people interact, what they accomplish and the ease of which it will happen because we are all anticipating it.
If you really want to be helpful, take action on the part of the party, then we need signatures to get the Independent Party on the ballot. Here’s how you can help.
Join Us Now… Thanks in advance.
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