In the wake of yet another school shooting gun control is the topic of national debate, dazed and confused by the 2nd Amendment arguments that seem inconsequential. The time during its creation was so much different than today, yet we have yet to harvest the wisdom from the past and present a new direction for our future. Why one would argue the right for purchasing assault weapons today is beyond rational thinking. Assault rifles just seem like overkill in the hands of private citizens.
We all know, or at least we should by now, that corporations pretty much control our political system. Whether soft or hard, clean or dirty, light or dark – money rules and profit surreptitiously puts safety of citizens aside in myriad ways. Yet, for some reason we allow it to continue. Perhaps the notion put forth in the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standards needs a bit more focus. It’s possible to intentionally change the way business is done from inside companies and corporations.
Most recently, Dick’s Sporting Goods made the leap into considering people over profit. It certain wasn’t a choice that was profit-driven because it would eliminate some of their sales. However, now that they’ve made the choice to not sell assault rifles et al, their profits may soar simply because they’ve done the right thing in support of taken the opportunity for purchasing off the table, literally. Our legislature surely cannot agree on what to do about the situation.
Imagine if others would follow suit. We certainly don’t want the government taking away weapons forcefully, even though it may be a good thing in some cases. The public outcry and potential violence over a decision like that is tough to imagine even though we know it would probably happen. So, at least one wise choice is one that can be made by the would-be suppliers…. and Dick’s sets the example. We can at least thank them for taking a step in the right direction and hope that others follow.
Ultimately, when the binary system is in paralysis, people have to step up and take action that shows what can be done in the face of adversity. People are intrinsically good, whether we want to accept it or not, there are millions if not billions of examples. People run companies and corporations. When we can put decision-making and the power to make sense common in their hands, we’ll be closer to a sustainable future for us all.
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